All Church Gatherings Suspended

Dear Church,

After much consultation and prayer, and upon the request of Bishop David Bard, we are suspending all church activities, including Sunday school and in-person worship.  The State of Michigan has recommended that all gatherings of more than 100 persons be suspended, and many churches in our area have made this same decision.  In light of all we have learned about the Coronavirus in recent days, we believe this is the best way for us to care for one another and our community.

This unusual moment gives us an opportunity to remember that “church” is not a building or something we do on Sunday morning; we are the church, and no amount of social-distancing or self-quarantining can stop us from being the church together.  We believe that by the power of God’s love we can be present with one another, even when we are separated by great distances or death.  

We are working to find new ways of connecting to one another.  Get ready to hear about how the youth group will gather online, and how Christian Education can continue without in-person gatherings.  We are planning to livestream worship on Sunday mornings at 10:30am.  You should be able to watch the video through Facebook; we are working on a way to also stream it here on the Court Street website, but that might not be ready in time for this Sunday.  

As always you can listen to sermons and even give your tithe through the church website.  In this strange and anxious moment, the work of the church goes on.  In fact, our staff are working many extra hours this week to sanitize the building, keep up with current events, and create new ways of being in community.  Please support that work by continuing your generous giving.

In the meantime, spend some extra time on the phone with loved ones who might be feeling anxious.  Gather with your family for laughter and prayer.  FaceTime people who might be feeling lonely and isolated.  And, as always, keep on washing your hands and do not be afraid.

God is with us!

Pastor Jeremy and Rev. Christy