Dear Church,
In an attempt to do our part to slow the spread of COVID-19, all non-essential gatherings at Court Street United Methodist Church are being suspended for the time being.At this time we are planning to continue Sunday School and Sunday Worship as usual, and we are looking at ways that we might make worship available online for people who do not feel they can safely participate in person.We will not, however, have Wednesday pot lucks, Coffee with Clergy, or prayer in the chapel.Groups and committees (UMW circles, musical ensembles, Trustees, etc.) will be allowed to make their own decisions about whether and how to meet, but we are encouraging groups to avoid meeting in person if it can be avoided.
Please know that this was a difficult decision.We have learned that in places where gatherings are curtailed early on, the spread of COVID-19 can be slowed and the mortality rate remains relatively low.In cities and nations that take fewer precautions, the spread of COVID-19 is exponential and the health system is quickly overwhelmed, leading to a much higher mortality rate.While there are only a couple of confirmed cases in Michigan at this time, we felt that the responsible thing would be for us to take precautions early enough to make a difference.
We do not plan to close the church building or offices at this time, although that may change as we receive new instructions and recommendations from health officials.Even though we may not gather in person as often as we usually do, the work of God’s church will go on.We will work to find new and creative ways to connect with one another, and to share God’s love with our community.If you choose to stay home from worship (and if you are showing any signs of illness or have a weakened immune system, we encourage you to stay home), remember that you can catch up on Sunday’s sermon and give your tithe through the church’s website,
We will continue to watch the COVID-19 situation closely, and we will keep you informed about any further changes to church activities.Thank you for your patience and understanding, thank you for your willingness to find new ways of being in community with one another, and thank you for praying for all affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.Keep on washing your hands, and do not be afraid!
Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Jeremy