Dear Church,
This evening we begin another week as a host church for Family Promise of Genesee County. Family Promise gives a hand to families who are temporarily without shelter, transforming Sunday School classrooms into bedrooms and showering families with hospitality. One of the most remarkable things about Family Promise is that families remain intact during a difficult time; many other shelter ministries will separate women from men, parents from children.
This week, Family Promise shared a story on their Facebook page. I’ve copied the text below - here is just a glimpse of what this ministry is doing in our community:
"If it wasn't for this (Family Promise), I would've probably lost my kids," said soon-to-be Graduate father of 3. He went on to share how scared he was this experience would cause a drop in his sons’ grades but, instead, the opposite happened - their grades went UP! His middle son was just celebrated for perfect attendance and excelling in his school's leadership course. This positive impact is possible because of the amazing volunteers surrounding our families with genuine care and concern. An amazing reminder, in case you needed your "why" today! Thank you to all who serve!
Thanks to Family Promise, there will be mothers who get to spend this night under the same roof as their children. We will be a host church a number of times this year, and we hope you will consider becoming part of the Family Promise team. We could especially use your help when we host in the summer months, when many Court Streeters are out of town. Thanks for being part of this work of God that is transforming lives, our church, and our community!
Your Servant in Christ,
Pastor Jeremy